Feb 17, 2021
In this episode, we learn the story of Kenny Dennard. Kenny was a four starter for the Duke University basketball team and played three years in the NBA. What appears on the surface to be a carefree life was actually full of challenges and obstacles. Testicular cancer was just one of the adversities Ken has overcome. He always sets new goals for himself to keep moving his life forward. His story is one of talent, perseverance, and a life well-lived.
Key Takeaways
- Dream. Believe. Do. Repeat. A great formula for life.
- Always set new goals in life.
- Some adversity results from situations beyond your control, some is self-inflicted. Learn from both.
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More about Get Back Up:
On August 14, 1981, Rod broke his neck while making a tackle that left him paralyzed from the neck down. In a split second, he went from athlete to quadriplegic. Get Back Up is the story of Rod's life journey and provides a detailed account of what it’s like to be handicapped, how to overcome it and how to thrive. The book gives you a look into trying legal cases through the eyes of a handicapped lawyer. The book’s purpose is to hopefully motivate you to not allow life’s sometimes devastating twists and turns ruin your quest for a great life. If your life is perfect and you have never suffered a tragedy, this book may not be for you. For the rest of us who have hit a bump or two on the road of life and are still trying to make it happen, this is your book.